Monday, May 18, 2020

D-Day Through German Eyes

By; Holger Eckhertz This is another interesting book about D-Day created by interviews of German soldiers who survived the experience. We read about events at each of the separate beaches; Juno, Gold, Sword, Omaha and Utah. There is one account from each of the beaches. It shows again how ineffectual was the Allied effort to neutralize the fortifications resulting in thousands of deaths during the initial landings. In particular, havoc was rained on our boys at Omaha. Utah was the least costly. It was interesting to learn the motivation of the Germans. They felt they were defending a unified Europe. The relationship between them and the French farmers was amicable. They would purchase food, not just confiscate. They couldn’t understand why the Western countries were attacking them. What it amounts to for me is that soldiers of any nationality need a reason to fight. This is a book worthy of reading for those who care about history. Jack B. Walters May 18, 2020


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