Monday, April 20, 2020

Reflecting on the difference between the early years and today

We have lots of time to reflect on world happenings today. One of my favorite writers is Tim Steller. He wrote one Sunday about the many options no longer available to be used today. It spawned the thought of comparing our current situation to what we experienced in the 30’s and 40’s. The following are closed today, health clubs, restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys, all sport access to fields and gyms, all bars, no sports entertainment that we took for granted such as golf tournaments, major League sports i.e.; baseball, football, basketball, shopping in stores or malls, flying to foreign countries, luxury cruises, Disney Land and other resorts, credit cards, smart phones with all the world’s knowledge Etc. Very few of these were available during my youth. We lived in rented lodgings, very few could afford to own a home. We played in open fields or on the streets, nothing organized, just get together with neighborhood friends and improvise. As a family, restaurants were something very seldom entered except to purchase a hot dog or ice cream. No TV. We read comic books. I had the original Superman, Batman and Captain Marvel books which would be worth a fortune if I still owned them. Shopping for clothes was a special event used only when we had saved enough. We were born and lived our lives in the same area, worked for the same company for 35 years and retired. Old in those days was 50+, the why is because of long hours of hard physical labor. In other words our lives were simple and well organized for the most part. All of the new advantages listed in the second paragraph did not exist. These are the lost jobs as the economy is in lock down and regarded as essential for our well being. I guess we just don’t realize how good we have had it.


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