Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Made in America is now more important than ever

I am writing this as I obviously have the time available. I will be sending it to friends, family and officials. I am convinced that buying American is absolutely essential. We cannot allow our country to depend on the goodness of other countries. Our defense industry is protected and guaranteed to be produced in America. That industry is spread over all of the States providing high incomes. Other industries not protected have been driven off shore due mainly to low wages in other countries. Drugs, paper, medical and other essential products are no longer produced here. American companies like car and defense are now gearing up to produce respirators during our current crisis. I propose that these items be declared essential as we do defense and be produced here. The cost would be higher but would be available good times or bad. We would not be victimized as we are now. I am sure there are many other items we need that could be added to those mentioned above. Committees could be formed to study. If relief for high cost is needed by our people we could do as China does and provide free factories, low cost energy and other benefits. We have been asleep for 50 years as we allowed our jobs to be sent out of our country. All the while other countries were doing their best to attract jobs. I have mentioned before but will again, when WWII began we were just recovering from the depression. How were we able to become the “Arsenal of Democracy” in such a short period of time? The answer is government incentives. Think of a manufacturer like Ford leveling off ground and bringing a brand new factory into fruition building B-25s by the thousands. No private corporation could find the funds to do it. The government created the opportunity. American ingenuity and a dedicated work force got the job done. I sometimes wonder if the Americans of today have it in them as the WWII Americans did. There are enough examples of people pulling together to give me hope that we can still pull together as a unified country and resolve to never let us be caught wanting again. While writing this I found an excellent article supporting my thoughts. I urge you to read. You will find it on Google at “The five WWII Lessons that could help the government fight coronavirus”


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