Thursday, July 11, 2024

This standard practice must end

I consider myself to be a law and order type. Almost without exception I will side with those in law enforcement, whose job it is to protect all of us. With the latest debacle in Uvalde, Texas I feel the need to speak out on what has, for years now, become standard practice. That is standing back while crime is being committed instead of charging towards the problem. I don’t want to believe they are cowards. I believe it is standard practice. They are not free to exercise their initiative, but must wait for orders from on high. Because of this many lives have been lost including last week in Texas. The first time I observed this was Columbine. While the two shooters were in the school firing their weapons a large force of officers were seen outside. Some were hiding behind their cars and even a military vehicle standing there. All the while students and faculty were dying. The one in Florida an officer stood outside while shots were being fired. After the George Floyd incident police in city after city stayed back while burning and looting were being committed without a response to stop it. I realize that in many communities’ district attorneys keep releasing criminals almost as soon as being arrested. That should not be an excuse for not carrying out their responsibilities to protect the citizens. This must be stopped now by people in authority. Jack B. Walters May 27, 2022


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