Thursday, July 11, 2024

Leaked memo will save the new Democratic Party

Up until the leaked Supreme Court memo suggesting that the Court was ready to overturn Roe VS Wade, the only thing the New Democratic Party had going for it was January 6, 2021. With all of the disastrous programs they have supported they were heading for resounding defeat in this coming November elections. Now abortion has become the defining difference between the Republican and the Democratic Parties. Those States with republican legislatures still in session will stumble all over themselves in passing ever more restricting laws making it nearly impossible to get abortions in those States The news media will be filled with stories on a daily basis keeping this issue a hot button one. I believe the overwhelming majority of Americans support the right of a woman to choose whether to have a family or not. I do not believe that anyone supports the idea of abortion, the deliberate decision to abort willy nilly as if it were nothing, but there are times; whether economic, rape, incest, deformed without a chance of living a normal life or the life of the mother when a decision must be made. That decision is primarily the mothers. Of course the father’s opinion also matters. What we don’t need are mostly old white men in government placing added burdens on families. With overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate the Democrats will continue the destruction of all that Americans believe in. They will be able to pack the Courts, give statehood to Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico and continue to flood our country with millions crossing our borders The country most admired by all will cease to exist. Jack B. Walters May 8, 2022


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