Thursday, July 11, 2024

Russia must pay for the outrageois invasion of Ukraine

All contact with Russia should be stopped immediately. All nations should treat Russia as a pariah. Cancel all orders for goods and refuse to accept requests for goods from Russia. Eliminate Russia from all international sports competition, cut off communication via mail or Internet, in other words take all possible actions to isolate them from the civilized world. Oil and Gas are the source of 90% of their wealth. Europe and I am ashamed to admit that our country also depends on Russia for energy. This will take time but every effort should be made to wean us off and the effort should be started with all dispatch. The world cannot afford to sit helplessly while Putin retakes all the former states that once were a part of Russia. The people of Russia will be hurt. They don’t deserve it but I see no other way of stopping this madness short of Nuclear War. Jack B. Walters March 1, 2022


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