Friday, September 17, 2021

Justice Rising By; Patricia Sullivan

Robert Kennedy’s America in Black and White I give this book my highest recommendation for others to read. It is 450 pages of facts and details, most of which I had little remembrance. Together with his brother Jack he devoted a great deal of energy and effort into understanding the plight of poor people living in a land of plenty. The Blacks in the South were severely segregated and impoverished, but he also found pockets of struggling Whites in places like Appalachia. He went to places like South America and South Africa. Everywhere he went it seemed that many were living in want and discrimination. Discrimination was fierce in the Northern States. It was more subtle but was prevalent everywhere. He and Jack pushed had for legislation to allow Blacks the privilege of voting and to eliminate segregation of public places. LBJ was able to get these enacted after J.F.K.’s tragic death. Legislation alone did not miraculously solve the problem. Inherent racism didn’t disappear overnight. In fact conditions worsened. Bob worked side by side with L.B.J. to enact the Civil Rights Legislation even though there was hostility between them. The break came over the Vietnam War. He was opposed as were increasingly the majority of Americans, M.L.K. also opposed even though many Blacks feared that this would detract from solving the race problem. Bob decided to run for President in 1968. He was scheduled for a campaign speech in Indianapolis. He arrived late in a light drizzle. He had learned of the death of M.L.K. but the crowd did not yet know. He gave a beautiful, soulful speech that night advising the mostly Black audience telling them he felt their pain and how he had lost his brother in the same tragic manor. They dispersed quietly while other cities erupted in violence. He was winning Primary majority in most States after he entered against Humphry and McCarthy. L.B.J. had refused to campaign. In L.A. after winning California he was assassinated as he was leaving the victory rally. It is my contention that he would have been elected in a landslide. I also believe we would have become a better country with harmony rather than discordance. We might have been more responsive to sharing the blessings of Liberty with all who were of a different color. We will never know as that Planet spun off into the Universe. How sad we are living in the most divided country we have ever known. I was fortunate to be alive during WWII when we were all united and feel sorry for those of you who have not experienced that feeling. Again I encourage you to read and learn.


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