Thursday, July 11, 2024


I have devoted many hours and days over the past twenty years analyzing the workings of the Federal Government. For me it has been devastating to follow the ongoing dysfunction as both parties have been divided into tribal entities, more interested in doing battle instead of seeing to the needs of our people and the poor of nations all over the world. They have squandered our wealth in conducting wars spending trillions and the lives of our service people and the people of those countries. None of them have resulted in making a better world. Our armament cost on an annual basis far exceeds any other nation with no end in sight as the pursuit of more deadly weapons continues. Johnson started the war in Vietnam. Nixon expanded it into Cambodia. Bush supported Iraq when they were at war with Iran. Iraq conquered Kuwait with ease not believing we would care. Bush senior did and drove them out with great loss of life and financial cost. Bush the son started a war with Afghanistan and then Iraq while threatening Syria and N. Korea. Obama kept it going and added Libya as another country to destroy. Trump I believe tried to bring these conflicts to an end but could not get Congress or his military brass to support. Biden unilaterally pulled our troops out of Afghanistan leaving other allies on their own plus contractors and worst of all not extricating those citizens who had given us support. He also left $85 billion in the latest armament. Currently he has goaded Russia into attacking Ukraine creating a possible nuclear war, again with support from both parties. Everything Biden has done in just two years has been wrong. He has devastated our petroleum and gas industry. The Latest climate change legislation provides funds for wind and solar. China is the beneficiary of this largess. If deemed that important they should be made in America, no matter the cost. He has declared war on Americans with white skin, branding us as racist. For some reason he excludes himself from his label. He has distorted the basic understanding of men and women, encouraged sick sex education for our children and said it was OK for men who have transformed themselves into female to be allowed to compete with girls in sports. In mostly Democratic run Cities the BLM group was allowed to burn and loot. Crime is rampant with citizens helpless as law enforcement has been reduced to being ineffective. Millions cross over our Southern border with impunity. Read the book for clearer understanding of these and other issues.


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