Tuesday, August 31, 2021

When the Center Held

Gerald Ford and the Rescue of the American Presidency By; Donald Rumsfeld This was published in 2018. I believe he was compelled to write it to compare the 1974 episode to the Trump election in 2016. The ongoing dysfunction in Washington by some is considered as if it were a new phenomenon. In 1974 for the first time a President resigned in disgrace. Spiro Agnew, the Vice President had previously already resigned in 1973 for corruption. As a result the Presidency was transferred to the Speaker of the House, Gerald Ford. A man few Americans had even heard about outside of the Michigan district that elected him to the House of Representatives. The country was in turmoil. Many wanted Nixon to go to prison. Ford knew that the process of the legal system would drag on for months. He believed that would consume so much energy that the Nations work would suffer so one of his first decisions was to pardon him. He was severely criticized. The author and I agree he did the right thing. His term in office was just 895 days. He lost a very close election to Jimmy Carter. Ford had to contest for his party’s nomination with Ronald Reagan which is probably the reason he lost. He met with General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev in Vladivostok and successfully reached agreement on the “SALT” Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. Both countries agreed to limit their nuclear arsenals. The twenty year Vietnam War ended on his watch. It was foreordained before he took office. In March the North Vietnamese Forces were advancing rapidly. Ford did what he could to evacuate as many Vietnamese that he could together with Americans. The Democrat majority in Congress refused to admit Vietnamese advisors to America. This was led by the outspoken newly elected Senator Biden. Undeterred, the President went around government, and with the help of citizens and volunteer organizations, some 120,000 found a new life in America. The overriding conclusion was that Ford was the best man to replace Nixon. His honesty and moral fiber was just what was needed at that time. It is an easy book to read. If you are a student of history as I am you will enjoy reading. By the way the reference to the “Center” was because Ford had been the center on the University of Michigan football team from 1932 to 1934. The first two years they were National Champions. The last year they only won one game. Ford remained at the center.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Our Borders

Canada has opened their border for vaccinated Americans. President Biden is keeping them out for another two weeks. It is interesting to see videos of the orderly process, with everyone following the rules. At the same time people are flooding across our southern border with over one million so far this year. I have heard him say the border is closed. It is my belief that most Americans take him at his word without caring enough to learn otherwise. At the current rate millions more will cross this year. They are being transported at taxpayer expense to all parts of our country. The government is even willing to pay citizens to transport them. Very soon the Democrats in charge will approve citizenship for millions and thereby ensure they remain in power. All of you who hated Trump so much are responsible for allowing this to happen. Jack B. Walters August 10, 2021