Thursday, August 29, 2019

The American Jubilee

( A National Nightmare is Closer Than You Think) By; Porter Stansberry Part I- the first four chapters are devoted to understanding the perilous position our country is in because of the immense accumulation of debt by our National, State and local governments but also the debts of our fellow citizens, particularly the poorest among us. For many decades now they have relied more and more on using debt as a way to allow them to enjoy life. The wages of this group has been essentially flat for 40 years while as you well know the richest among us have prospered greatly. He particularly points out the debt of college graduates which keep them from enjoying the benefit of their education needing to pay off their debt. Many thousands he reports have already given up and have defaulted on payments. The American Jubilee he refers to comes from the Bible. It refers to debt forgiveness that was projected to occur every fifty years. He sees this as inevitable. The rage building among this group will end in civil disorder and strife. Our governments, no matter who was in office, have proven unable to resolve. He is not a fan of our current president but I take the position that the leaders for the past forty years have allowed this tsunami to develop. Then the rest of the book is devoted to showing how the readers could become rich no matter what happened. I read it all as I usually do when reading a serious book. This may sound strange to you but I was not the least bit interested. At my late stage of life I am not thinking about garnering wealth. If you are you might enjoy reading his suggestions on how to do it. I will not list them. You will have to read for yourself.


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