Thursday, May 16, 2019

Letter to sports writer Greg Hansen

Robbins’ Leadership needed as UA Brand takes a beating. This was the headline for your article written on May 3, 2019. In it you made three major points. Robbins must act now. It has divided the fans. Coach Miller is guilty as charged. You give undeserved credit to President Robbins for being the right person to take charge. He doesn’t even have the fortitude to take punitive action against the three females who disrupted not only a classroom but a special meeting set up to review the incident. The fans are not divided. Were you not at the game a year ago after Miller didn’t coach the Oregon game? As soon as he walked onto the court he was given a standing ovation as loud as any ever heard in McHale. We were unanimous in our support and still are. I do not believe he could have signed an outstanding group of excellent players if they felt the program was in peril and Miller would not be the coach. He was able to assure them he had not betrayed the program. I have for 25 years looked forward to reading your insightful columns. Not this time. Perhaps you possess inside knowledge to back your words, if not you have done a great disservice to Miller and the fans. Jack B. Walters May 12, 2019


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