Sunday, April 14, 2019

Letter to Mr. Steller

I wrote this letter because a student disrupted a class where Border Patrol Agents had been invited to attend. Tim Steller, The incident at the U.of A. disturbed me. I read your article with great interest. I believe you covered all the bases. I particularly thought your ending paragraphs were on the point. Perhaps you will be willing to go further. This was just an example of occurrences on campuses all across the country. It is obvious that the youth of America have been brainwashed. Any speaker who might be invited to speak is prevented from speaking if there is a conservative viewpoint. Universities are supposed to be places where young people can learn different ideas while they start to form their lifetime philosophy. No student should be allowed to disrupt a session in process, particularly if not part of the class. It has gotten to the point where I question the value of attending college. I remember Joseph Goebbels saying that if he could have the youth for ten years he could indoctrinate them to follow whatever Hitler wanted to accomplish. This goes both ways. I firmly believe the school systems of today are teaching American history from the viewpoint that our leaders were all bad men because they, for the most part, were slave holders. It is too late to re-write history. What was then is not what is today. They did create the best government ever seen on Earth. Many nations have followed our example. This was not the way my generation was taught. We were proud of our history and the men and women who fought to achieve independence from the most powerful nation on Earth at that time. If the youth of America don’t respect our history why would they care to defend it against all enemies foreign or domestic? The reason a person like Trump could be elected was the frustration of people like me who have given up on politicians, either party, for their unwillingness to find solutions, so many of which are obvious to solve. We will not have this advantage much longer. The youth, the rapidly growing Muslim population, the willingness to throw out the free enterprise system for Socialism and the hatred for Americans who are in the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, Border Patrol, etc. will see the end of the great American dream. I will probably be gone by then. I write because I care. Jack B. Walters April 14, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019


“The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia” By; Michael Korda This is a well-documented account of the life of the man made famous by his exploits in the Middle East during WW I. It consists of over seven hundred pages. He became the most famous soldier from that time. There can be no doubt he was special with his courage, strength, ability to overcome pain, hunger and thirst. The Arabs accepted him as their leader. It is hard for me to accept based on the present day, but it was a fact then. I am assuming that anyone receiving this report has seen the movie at least once. If so, you know the basic story. The book covers not only the war years but his life as a child, his leadership after the war trying to provide a homeland for the Arabs as he promised them. With the French and English carving up the Ottoman Empire he was only partially successful. His main achievement was writing and publishing “Seven Pillars of Wisdom” Other than that he tried to hide by enlisting in the RAF under an assumed name. He was found out and tried again in the Army. He died tragically in a motor bike accident. There were no head helmets as there are today. He landed on his head and never recovered consciousness. He was 48. Those interested in history might enjoy reading. Jack B. Walters April 8, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

Response to immigration article

Your article--Ducey’s Position on Border I am responding to your assertion that Congress has done its job. Nothing could be further from the truth. Congress for the last 30+ years has allowed this cancer on our border to fester. When President Reagan granted citizenship to six million illegal immigrants, he added e-verify to assure it would not re-occur believing that by putting penalties on employers of substantial fines and imprisonment, that illegal immigration would cease. Congress never followed thru and so it began again. It has been reported that illegals total over 12 million. I believe it is much higher than that. The oft repeated statement “that Republicans like cheap labor and Democrats like new voters” is used to explain. Arizonans like me voted for our own version a few years ago. To my knowledge no employer was ever indicted nor held accountable. I believe because our “leaders” did not approve and did not fund sufficiently to make it effective. Millions overstay their Visa without consequences. They cross our Southern border by the thousands daily and allowed to enter for processing. Many overburden our medical system with diseases or other illnesses requiring aid. How many Billions does this cost annually? They are put on buses and dropped off here and there fending for themselves aided by compassionate Americans as they can. President Trump’s wall will not stop them as they cross anywhere they want. The border patrol is useless since their full time job now is to care for them instead of sending them back. Congress should pass legislation to not allow entrance without authorization to anyone by immediately returning them to the other side of our border. They should find and expel people overstaying their visas, Let me add I have always thought that DACA was a farce. If we know about these who were brought over as children don’t we also know where their parents live who entered illegally? All of our meat processing factories could be shut down today if they were raided and illegals sent packing and the bosses put in prison. I could go on but won’t. The hatred of Trump seems to be enough to not support anything he might propose, so the insanity will continue with daily castigation's from “good” people whose letters the Star loves to publish. The ongoing tragedy will continue until we collapse as a functioning nation. Jack B. Walters April 5, 2019